Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's Not Raining for Most of America

So Rain has cancelled Toronto, SF, and now Hawaii!!! It looks like NYC and Atlanta have been postponed indefinitely. This is not good. Check out this article I found on the best Korean Entertainment site, Here is just a portion of it. Please click to link to read the whole article.

A concert Friday by South Korean pop star Rain, scheduled for Aloha Stadium, has been canceled with an announcement by local promoters that may raise more questions than it answers.

The possibility of a future appearance by the Korean Wave idol hasn’t been ruled out, but that may be only because there’s little solid information to go on.

Honolulu promoters of the event, who are South Korean natives, have no alternate date. At a press conference announcing the canceled date yesterday, the promoters said they didn’t know why Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, would not appear on schedule in Honolulu.

In fact, they drew news of the cancellation from a Korea Times report Saturday that Rain’s U.S. concert dates, including Honolulu’s, were being scrapped, even though concert equipment had been shipped to Hawai’i and ticket sales continued throughout the holiday weekend.

Refunds for tickets bought through Ticketmaster will be available starting today. People who purchased $300 premium VIP tickets from Click Entertainment were advised to go to the company’s local office beginning next Wednesday to request refunds.

Rain had been scheduled to appear yesterday at a press conference to promote the concert. When it became clear that he was not coming, promoters used the room at the Royal Hawaiian to announce the cancellation.

Dong Il Min, creative director of TFD Big Band, a Seoul-based organization assisting Click, said the concert was “postponed” and apologized to ticket buyers.

Dong said neither he nor Click president Seung Su Lee have received official word about Rain’s concert plans being changed....

Reach Wayne Harada at
Credit: cia007 @ soompi


Cameoko said...

Read this

I think its all been postponed.
Not sure..but yea...

luc said...

Wow i'm suprised that he's cancelling so many. I wonder if the fan base is just too small.

I do think his ticket prices are too high...

(maybe leaving JYP hurted him?)

desperate said...

this is depressing

i just saw an advertisement in "NY japion" for ji-hoon/Rains concert.i still hope theres a chance for the NYC concert

desperate said...

you know if they lowered the ticket prices theyed get alot more people buying,theyed make more money that way if thats what everything's about.!

Anonymous said...

ALL concerts are postponed except LA.

The Hawaii one MAY be cancelled but as far as I know the NYC and ATL one will go on ? just postponed.. I hope.

I think his price tickets are high b/c 1) its for world vision 2) the heavy equipment, and all the special effects = big venue

Anonymous said...

omg, honestly yhis is scaring me. i mean what if something is going on with him :[ i hope hes doing well x]