Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Rain's Toronto Concert Ticket Refund Info...

Thanks to an anonymous tip, here is some info on getting your well-deserved money back...

They're suppose to refund at least $250,000 which is Revolution Inc paid to Star M. But they still didn't give the money back. Revolution Inc. sold more than 2000 tickets on off line. If they don't give the money back, there's no way Revolution Inc. can refund that money. Revolution Inc. prepares to take legal action right now. but still needs your help.

For questions/comments regarding refunds and such directed directly to StarM:

Star M Director.

1 comment:

lmsandra said...

Yes I have still not received my refund and I spent $266.75 Canadian for my ticket. Does Rain have any idea of all the uproar his cancellation caused to his fans and is he going to make sure that we are refunded?