Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Stephanie Sun in LA on 8/11 for The Same World, The Same Dream The Same Cheering

Huge thank you to Annie, we have news of this great event on 8/11 in LA. Enjoy!!!

As the year of 2008 approaches, the people of China are extending an invitation to the rest of the world to celebrate. That welcome will take many forms as the start of the games in Beijing move closer. One of the invitations will be extended in Los Angeles on August 11, 2007,The Same World, The Same Dream The Same Cheering. The celebration for 2008 Beijing will be one of the first major cultural events that will precede the next years summer

同一個世界, 同一個夢想, 同一聲喝采!
大 型 慶 典 綜 藝 晚 會 !
8月11日2007年 在洛杉磯THE FORUM 盛大舉行 !
The Same World The Same Dream The Same Cheering
3900 West Manchester Blvd.
Inglewood, CA. 90305310-330-7300

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